Things to Do Outdoors With a 2 Month Old Baby

Top things to do with baby outdoors

The weather has been beautiful again this week which inspired this blog post!  As a Mum I know there is nothing better than the warm weather when you know you can be outside in the fresh air all day long with your little one.

Here are my top 7 things to do outdoors with babies. These activities are great for babies between 0-12 months.

1 - Bubbles

Bubbles are fun for babies and children of all ages. Not only is it fun to watch the soapy floaty bubbles sail in the breeze, this is also amazing for baby sensory development. Bubbles popping on skin is a new sensation that can help your little one get familiar with textures. If baby is big enough, make a game of popping bubbles by poking them with fingers or stomping them with feet.

You could invest in a bubble blowing machine or simply mix up some of your own mixture with washing-up liquid and water (the mix should be around 1 part washing up liquid to 8 parts water) If you don't have a bubble wand from a store-bought pot of bubbles, don't worry! You can make one with many different things you may have around the house. Try twisting a paperclip into a loop shape, using a straw or pipe clearer or even a biscuit cutter!

2 - Water play

Another idea that is fun for children at any age! Everyone loves to splash!

If you are lucky enough to have a beach close by then you could of course head there but it isn't necessary. A small paddling pool or a water sprinkler are great options. Little ones will happily play in even a few centimeters of water. You could even create a sensory water tray by  filling a large tray with water and putting some toys in for baby to play with. Or if the tray is big enough, sit them in it. They will love to splash and play.

Make sure you're closely supervising water play no matter how shallow the water.

3 - Make your own music

Take a few toy instruments and head outside, maracas, tambourines and drums all make for excellent baby-friendly instruments, but you don't need special instruments to make music. You could use pots and pans, metal bowls and wooden spoons. Clapping is another lovely way to join in with the music. You can sing to your little ones favourite nursery rhymes as you play.

4 - Sensory touch

Baby's sensory touch is highly developed at birth, you can stimulate this by touching your little ones toes on the grass or sand, stroking their hand with leaves and letting them touch rocks and smooth stones. Make sure you are communicating with them all the time, explaining what these new experiences are.  You can also do some sensory listening by listening out for birds, trains or planes.

5 - Reading Outdoors

Head outside with your baby's favourite books and a blanket and read under a tree or in a shady spot. It could be in your garden or a nearby park. If you have a nursery rhyme book it is a lovely idea to sing to the nursery rhymes whilst doing some simple actions - like creating a star in the sky with your hand for twinkle twinkle little star. You might be surprised to see your little one trying to join in with the actions.

6 - Go on a little nature hunt

This is lovely to do first thing in the morning when the flowers are just opening and there is still dew on the grass. Get close, and take it all in. Look at the trees and look at the bark and the leaves explain to your little one what everything is. It's fun to explore all of the interesting things around you. It's great for us as parents as well to be appreciating all of  the little things that we would miss in our very busy lives.

7 - Roll a Ball Around

If baby is sitting up, they'll love rolling a ball back and forth with you on the grass. If you can then take a few balls to play with in different colors, textures and sizes and get ready for some giggles.

The main thing to remember is don't overthink it – babies thrive on simplicity. Even if you just hang out in the garden singing some nursery rhymes your little one will adore spending time with you.

Enjoy the sunshine - and don't forget the sunscreen



Things to Do Outdoors With a 2 Month Old Baby


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