Why Are They Fighitng Each Other Again in Battle for Azeroth

Okay, so when you set out to write a post that looks at the Horde and Alliance conflict inBattle for Azeroth,yous take to look at certain things straight on and can't dissemble or try and evade those things. And ane of those things is this.

What hatred becomes

You tin can sentry that video again and once again (every bit I take) and there's simply no way around the following facts:

  1. Sylvanas Windrunner chose to cease at the embankment and torment a dying Night Elf, Delaryn Summermoon, who had fought her and the Horde as they marched through Darkshore.
  2. When Delaryn expressed pity for Sylvanas, in a rage she orders the Azerite-empowered catapults to rain fire on the World Tree. This causes the deaths of untold thousands of non-combatant civilians who were living on the tree at the time.

Every time I picket information technology, every time I call up about it, I come up to the same conclusions. The Horde every bit a whole is culpable for what Sylvanas does here — fifty-fifty Saurfang, who claims to be honorable, helps plan and lead an attack on the Dark Elves without any more than justification than the word of his warchief. In so doing, he directly aided and abetted the destruction of Teldrassil.

We meet members of every Horde faction involved in the invasion — Claret Elves, Goblins, Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, and Forsaken are all present in the forces that invade and drive the Night Elves back. It's a unified Horde army, supplied and supported by all of the Horde's people. The assault and the destruction of an entire urban center and several modest towns — remember, Teldrassil had Dolanaar and Aldrassil inside the Shadowglen as well as Darnassus — without allowing them to surrender or evacuate is something every member of that Horde is responsible for.

Why am I rehashing this? It'south to establish why in that location tin can never be peace betwixt the ii factions at this point.

Information technology's non conceivable that the surviving Night Elves could forgive this, coming on the heels of years of Horde encrochment on Night Elf lands. Warsong Gulch is all about the Horde harvesting lumber from Ashenvale. The Horde has conquered Azshara, a zone held past Night Elves for thousands of years. They've wiped out the Silverwind Refuge and set Astranaar on burn down, and now they've  destroyed every settlement the Night Elves had betwixt Orgrimmar and Teldrassil before burning the tree itself.

How can you lot have peace when yous don't dare stop fighting?

It honestly doesn't matter what faction you play — it's impossible to imagine the Nighttime Elves ever like-minded to peaceful coexistence with the Horde at this betoken. Neither would the Gilneans who were living in Darnassus with the Nighttime Elves — they survived the Horde invading their homeland and rendering their cities unlivable, retreated to a new home, and now that has been destroyed by the Horde too. And the big "bring Sylvanas to justice" mission to Undercity ended with her not simply escaping, just destroying the city herself in a trap intended to kill the Brotherhood's leadership.

Two cities have been destroyed past Sylvanas' direct club in this expansion lonely, and it's not even done nevertheless.

There comes a point where yous'd accept to be a complete idiot to trust the Horde. Just look at the numbers:

  • Alliance cities destroyed past the Horde: Gilneas City, Southshore, Theramore, and Darnassus.
  • Horde cities destroyed by the Alliance: Camp Taurajo

The Horde has inflicted more than meaningful damage to the Horde than the Alliance has by this point. Even the Alliance'south set on on Dazar'alor, while it killed King Rastakhan, was more destructive to the Zandalari armada than to the Horde itself. And it came subsequently the Horde attacked Kul Tiras twice, once in Stormsong Valley and once in Boralus itself.

Suspicion breeds suspicion

But from the Horde perspective, why should they trust or respect the Alliance? For one affair, the Horde knows what it has washed equally well as the Brotherhood does, and they know what they'd exercise if the Alliance did it to them.

Then why would they exist foolish plenty to practise anything but arm and gear up for future violence even if a tentative peace was reached? Are nosotros to suddenly accept that the Horde that uses victory or death as their main war weep is going to call back that the Alliance will just forgive and forget? The same Alliance, to their optics, that put the Orcs in camps and spent decades waging war confronting the Trolls in Stranglethorn Vale? Remember, each Horde faction has its own history and its own reasons to be suspicious of peace. These old grudges haven't gone away just because new ones have come up almost.

The novelCycle of Hatred makes the betoken that old grudges don't fade away unless you actually piece of work to reconcile them, and at present, I don't see a fashion to exercise that. Fifty-fifty if Jaina and Thrall managed to bring about some sort of rapprochement between the Alliance and Horde — as nosotros saw hinted in the eight.2 cinematic after they teleport Baine out of prison — they nevertheless need to sell everyone else on it.

The Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes would probably be the easiest sells, with Jaina and Anduin likely on the side of peace, the Council of Iii Hammers having no real need for this war, and the Gnomes all the same reeling from the incapacitation of Gelbin Mekkatorque. But I can't run into the Worgen and Night Elves beingness interested in peace as long as much of the ancestral Kaldorei land is under Horde control.

War without cease

As for the Horde side, to a sure caste war is an accepted land — the idea of peace between Alliance and Horde might exist one that the Tauren under Baine Bloodhoof would support, but would Orcs? Would Trolls? And nosotros have even less of an idea what the Forsaken are going to be about in the future — we don't even know what Sylvanas will be doing or if she'll be effectually at all. Even if there'southward a temporary stop to hostilities because of the Old Gods or some other menace, the question of Sylvanas' ultimate fate leaves us with more questions than answers.

I could be incorrect. I hope I am, because I find the electric current state of diplomacy extremely stressful for me equally a role player — it's hard for me to enjoy the game when I accept no thought what the outcome of all of this will be. Merely if the story tries to move us by the Horde/Alliance conflict without earning it, then I can't imagine information technology being a satisfying payoff to the by year of waiting.


Source: https://blizzardwatch.com/2019/08/28/why-the-alliance-and-horde-will-fight-forever/

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